
In the initial stage of ideation, we segregated the problem into two. One in which the problem can solve through the mechanism and another group was where the problem was solved through design.

In the initial stage of ideation, we segregated the problem into two. One in which the problem can solve through the mechanism and another group was where the problem was solved through design.

Category :

Industrial Design


6 months

Creating a Next-gen smart mailbox for a US startup’s Drone delivery service

Category :

Industrial Design


6 months

Creating a Next-gen smart mailbox for a US startup’s Drone delivery service

Category :

Industrial Design


6 months

Creating a Next-gen smart mailbox for a US startup’s Drone delivery service

Project introduction

The brief was to develop a mailbox designed for drone delivery. Specifically for their drone delivery system, the US startup Dronedek needed to develop a smart mailbox.

My responsibility were from initial research of the product, to conceptualisation, to engineering detail and to final prototype.

Problem statement

Existing mailbox

The current mailboxes were not made with the drone delivery system in mind.

Weather issue

The weather causes damage to the package inside the mailbox.

Storage issue

Due to a rise in online purchases, more parcels are being delivered to an individual

Due to a rise in online purchases, more parcels are being delivered to an individual.


A high fidelity prototype was created in 1:1 size using proper material. The prototype helps us to better understand the concept, the actual human interaction, and the hidden technical and design issue.


In the initial stage of ideation, we segregated the problem into two. One in which the problem can solve through the mechanism and another group was where the problem was solved through design.