Usability test & impact

To test the impact of the new design and determine whether the user expectation are matched, usability test was conducted with the platform users

To test the impact of the new design and determine whether the user expectation are matched, usability test was conducted with the platform users.

Because of it’s straightforward, recognisable, and simple -to-understand design, users were able to move through the flow with ease

Because of it’s straightforward, recognisable, and simple -to-understand design, users were able to move through the flow with ease.

The ‘Ongoing’ and ‘all orders’ sections allowed users to efficiency organise their orders.

The emi plan’s through breakdown gives users a sense of certaninty

The EMI plan’s through breakdown gives users a sense of certainty.

Category :

UI UX Design


3 months

Enhancing the functionality and usability of a buy now pay later app

Project introduction

The startup company offers a buy now pay later services, which allows consumers to make purchases and pay for them over time, rather than all at once. The project aims to gather information and use the information to redesign the product in way that address pain points and improves ther overall user experience

The startup company offers a buy now pay later services, which allows consumers to make purchases and pay for them over time, rather than all at once. The project aims to gather information and use the information to redesign the product in way that address pain points and improves ther overall user experience.

My key contributions included creating the new flow, enhancing the user experience, and conducting the usability testing.

Findings from the research

During the project's first research phase, teammates interviewed platform active users, non-active users, and non-users of various ages and genders. The scope of improvement was discussed after synthesising the interview data.

Personalization for me:

Consumer loyalty is ever changing, and they expect personalisation from the brands and products they choose

Personalization for me:

Consumer loyalty is ever changing, and they expect personalisation from the brands and products they choose

Personalization for me:

Consumer loyalty is ever changing, and they expect personalisation from the brands and products they choose

Financial Partner:

There are many number of finical services available. But grey collar customer are looking for finical partner that is also invested in building their credibility

Financial Partner:

There are many number of finical services available. But grey collar customer are looking for finical partner that is also invested in building their credibility

Financial Partner:

There are many number of finical services available. But grey collar customer are looking for finical partner that is also invested in building their credibility

Top of mind awareness:

Creating meaningful and delightful first time experience helps differentiate products from the competitors and boost awareness and hence repeat use

Top of mind awareness:

Creating meaningful and delightful first time experience helps differentiate products from the competitors and boost awareness and hence repeat use

Top of mind awareness:

Creating meaningful and delightful first time experience helps differentiate products from the competitors and boost awareness and hence repeat use

Style guide

Sleek and Elegant - Dark Mode

Dark mode is preferred by about 85% of users because it creates an air of mystery. The clean and modern style also creates a more pleasant ambiance for clients. To make it more aesthetically appealing, dark mode can also be combined with gradients and attractive bright hues. Neomorphic elements can be used to add realism, make objects look more tactile, and indicate interaction.